

Q. Do eyelash extensions damage natural lashes?

A. Only if they are badly placed. If a lash tech is new or inexperienced, they might not be as meticulous as us and not bother taking care of isolating each lash. Which means there could be two or three extensions glued together and since each eyelash grows at a different rate, there may be one about to shed but may pull others our with is or vice-versa. Also, amateur lash technicians tend to use very thick and heavy extensions to get a more dramatic effect with less work, which can also be damaging to your natural lashes.


Q. How long do I have to wait after getting extensions or a lift done to get my lashes wet?

A. You should wait 24 hours before getting your fresh lash extensions wet, as well as after getting a lash lift done. It is also recommended you wait 48 hours before doing heavily sweaty exercise and well as swimming or going into a sauna. As for lifts, we recommend waiting 48 hours before using a mascara.


Q. wait, so I can go to a sauna or steam room?

A. It is not recommended but I know that during winter or colder months, a lot of you love to do it so I prefer you do not spend more than 15 minutes at a time. And do not touch your lashes while there or up to 30 minutes after getting out of the sauna o steam room. The same applies when cooking or working with steam. The steam might melt and loosen up the glue which makes your extensions more susceptible to falling off. You can also swim in the ocean and pools with your lash extensions (and lifts), as long as you wait 24 - 48 hours and not touch them until a couple of hours have passed after getting them wet.


Q. I’m coming in from somewhere else with lash extensions on already. Can you touch them up or a do a refill/retouch/infill on my existing ones?

A. No. Every lash artist works with different glues and lashes, and their technique varies greatly. Which means there is no way to guarantee the quality of our results when it is already “half-way done”. If you would like to get a similar look to the one you typically get done, then it would be ideal for you to ask your lash tech what curl, sizes and thickness she uses on your lashes so we can use the same and try to emulate their results as closely as possible. We do, however, do retouches within Secret Lash technicians, but not from outside work. So if your typically Secret Lash Artist isn’t available, don’t worry that we have you covered.


Q. Do you offer any discounts?

A. Even though eyelash extensions are a luxury service and there typically aren’t any discounts offered, we do offer some incentives for future credit and discounts in ‘bulk’ purchases of our services in the form of ‘packages’ where you pay a certain amount upfront and receive a set amount of full sets and refills for you do use during a specific time frame.

We also offer a lower rate for a collaboration where photographs are taken professionally after the lashes to be used for commercial purposes.

Trying new styles, lashes or creative and unusual services are also offered at a discounted rate.

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